Gradle Preojext Sync Failed Please Fix Your Project and Try Again

In this commodity, we will see how to fix the error: "Gradle project sync failed. Please prepare your project and effort again" in Android Studio". Earlier getting into the solution part, let's discuss Gradle.

What is Gradle?

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool that automates the creation of applications. The diverse steps involved in creating an awarding are compiling, linking, packaging the code. This process becomes much easier and convenient with the aid of build automation tools like Gradle.

Why is Gradle used in Android Studio?

Gradle is used in Android Studio to develop the .APK files which are not-other than the Apps on our mobile phones. The Gradle combines all the Java and XML files into dex files and with the help of its tools produces an APK file.

What does the error, Gradle project sync failed Please set your project and try once again" in Android Studio mean?

Gradle sync is one of the Gradle tasks which checks for all the dependencies present in the build. Gradle files. It then downloads all the specified versions online. Here the meaning of error is that the Gradle sync has non functioned properly i.e it has not downloaded all the required files for the projection due to various reasons as discussed beneath.

Why does Gradle Project Sync Fail?

There are diverse reasons as to why Gradle Project Sync tin can Fail to compile or build the project files. Some of the reasons are listed below:

  • Lack of skillful internet connection: Gradle'south job is to install all the missing versions and packages online which are required for compiling the projection, Hence it won't exist able to download in case of a bad internet connection
  • Problems in Gradle Compilation: Sometimes there might be bug in the Gradle Compiler, In that case, we take to take the extra effort to download and load the Gradle manually
  • Missing Files: There is a gamble of  Gradle files getting misplaced. This tin be solved by re-installing the required files.
  • Using the Proxy Servers: In that location was an upshot with the syncing of the Gradle when Proxy Servers were turned on. Disabling it can assist
  • Cache Retentivity: Android Studio uses Cache memory for fast and smoothen usage of the app. Sometimes the cache gets corrupted due to which Gradle sync fails.

How to Fix the Error?

Method 1. Check your Cyberspace Connectivity

Gradle Sync requires a stable net connectedness for downloading various versions required for the project online. Hence it is always brash to check your internet connection before syncing your project in Android Studio.

Method 2. Disabling the Proxy Server

Nowadays, there is an increase in the usage of the ProxyServer'southward all around the earth. It is basically used to increment the speed of the network and save on the network bandwidth. Usage of such  ProxyServers tin can affect the Gradle sync. Hence information technology is better to disable the proxy server while syncing the Gradle. You can also brand sure whether you lot are using a ProxyServer in the post-obit way.

Stride i: Press Windows+R and type inetcpl.cpl

Windows + R

Step 2: You volition observe a window displaying Cyberspace Properties. Hither click on the Connections tab present at the superlative.

Internet Backdrop

Step 3: Now press on the LAN settings, A LAN network settings window will be opened.

LAN Settings

Footstep four: So under the proxy server settings, uncheck the box saying "Use a proxy server for your LAN" if you have checked it. This will Disable the ProxyServer. Now yous tin verify if the problems accept been resolved.

Method three. Invalidating the Cache Files/Restart

A cache is a temporary storage that is used to store the temporary data for accessing information technology speedily. Even Android Studio stores the cache for faster and smoother running of the app. However, there are instances where the cache can go decadent, which can hinder the Gradle Sync Process. In order to solve this, we will delete or refresh all the cache in Android Studio in the following way.

  • Pace ane. Firstly, nosotros take to open Android Studio and get to the File > Press Invalidate Caches/Restart.
  • Step 2. Then wait for the process to complete which volition be washed in around v mins.
  • Footstep 3. Now, Restart Android Studio and check if the error still persists.

Invalidating the Cache

Method four. Downloading a new version  of Gradle Files

Every fourth dimension a  projection is created, Gradle downloads the required versions and modules from the online distributions. Withal, sometimes there may be an issue with online distribution. To solve it is advised to download the Gradle distribution again manually. Hither are the steps you tin follow for downloading the files manually.

  • Step 1. Visit the official Gradle website and download the latest version of Gradle
  • Step two. Now unzip the Gradle Files and identify them in a Folder.
  • Step three. And so open up Android Studio and go to File > Settings > Build, Execution and Deployment > Gradle > Use Gradle from > Fix the path of the downloaded Gradle.
  • Step 4. Now try syncing the  Gradle again and check if the error still persists.

Loading the Gradle manually

Method 5. Updating Packages in SDK Manager

Updating the packages present in SDK Manager tin solve the problem.

  • Step one. Open SDK Manager in Android Studio i.east: Tools > SDK Managing director > Android SDK
  • Step 2. Now check the "-" sign beside any packet and click OK to install the required packages
  • Step iii. Then Reload the android studio and start syncing the Gradle and bank check whether the error is resolved

Downloading the Required SDK Packages

Hence In this way, you lot tin can ready the "Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try once again" in Android Studio.


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